Plastic Melt Filter

Plastic Melt Filter - GCM makinaPlastic Melt Filter - GCM makina

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Screen changers are used for filtering contaminants in the melt plastic (sand, metal,wood ext.) which it can damage the pelletizer and also will downgrade the granule quality. Using latest technology and completely manufactured from special certificated hardened steel to work in heavy conditions.

  • It has double Filtration area that’s makes nonstop production while changing the filter.
  • Screen changers with different diameters are used according to extruder’s capacity between 150 mm and Ø450 mm.
  • There is 4 pieces of cartridge heaters in Filter.
  • Fiter is manufactured hardened surface welding with 58 – 60 HRC to work in high tempature and pressure.
  • Filter is mounted on the cart for an easy transfer.
  • Totally high quality Ceramic insulated around surface heaters.
  • Pressure sensor on Screen Changer will provide an alarm system to warn operator to change the screen. Therefore this will keep potential damage to pelletizer.
  • Fiter has high quality Hydraulic unit on.